Yana Yaremchuk
Yana Yaremchuk

Yana Yaremchuk

After eight-years study in political science and international relations, I am ecxited to start my professional contribution to the world.

Hello everyone! My name is Yana Yaremchuk.

I have worked hard to develop my personal and professional skills. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in Ukraine, and a second Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Affairs with a Minor in Political Science from Lindenwood University.

I have spent more than 8 years earning my two degrees and it has been an incredibly valuable experience that has given me a strong educational fundament to build my career in this field. I have always been interested in social science subjects. During my first trip abroad to Turkey, I learned that the world around us is influenced by social relationships between people of different nations on a daily basis. So, I realized that I wanted to know more about the world beyond our immediate experience.

My knowledge of English, Russian, and Ukrainian helps me eliminate the cross-cultural boundaries, and enhance the exchange of ideas and information. In 2017, I participated in the Student Research Conference with my research on the South China Sea Dispute in front of the audience that was not familiar with the issue. Also, during my internship at U.S.-Ukraine Foundation I worked on a booklet of recommendations, called ‘Priority Recommendations U.S. Assistance,’ that was developed by 4 groups of experts who work at think tanks and other organizations in and around DC. The booklet was presented at an event on Capitol Hill.

I think my desire to learn more has made me who I am today. I hope as a human being I can contribute my time, strength, and financial costs to make the world a better place. As a professional I can share my knowledge of international relations with others.

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