Join Our Community

Join Our Community

Join the FLIA GlobalBrains Initiative

We invite young professionals to share FLIA’s hard-earned benefits by joining our new “GlobalBrains” initiative. We feature your story and expertise to FLIA’s global network to enhance your opportunities for collaboration, publication, and job hunting.

Join Our Local Communities and Students' Organizations

We have established many local communities and students' organizations across the globe. Join the local communities and make it your own professional network. 

Start a Local FLIA Community on Campus or in Your City

We welcome new members to start local FLIA communities and students' organizations at different locations. Guidelines on how to start the group and organize events are available upon request.


We are very proud of our communities


Every FLIA member is an expert in law and international affairs;

Every FLIA member is an ambassador for global awareness and collaboration;

Every FLIA member is an architect of an informed and peaceful world.